Libearth Changelog ================== Version 0.1.1 ------------- Released on January 2, 2014. - Added a workaround for thread unsafety :func:`time.strftime()` on CPython. See as well. [:issue:`32`] - Fixed :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` which is raised when a feed title contains any non-ASCII characters. [:issue:`34` by Jae-Myoung Yu] - Now :mod:`libearth.parser.rss2` fills :attr:`Entry.updated_at ` if it's not given. [:issue:`35`] - Fixed :exc:`TypeError` which is raised when any :class:`~libearth.schema.DocumentElement` with ``multiple`` :class:`~libearth.schema.Child` elements is passed to :func:`~libearth.schema.validate()` function. - Fixed the race condition of two :class:`FileSystemRepository ` objects creating the same directory. [:issue:`36` by klutzy] - :func:`~libearth.compat.parallel.parallel_map()` becomes to raise exceptions at the last, if any errored. [:issue:`38`] Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on December 13, 2013. Initial alpha version.